HTTP clients gems

Showing projects tagged as Services, HTTP, Web Apps, Interaction, and HTTP clients

  • httparty

    9.4 4.2 L4 Ruby
    :tada: Makes http fun again!
  • Typhoeus

    8.9 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Typhoeus wraps libcurl in order to make fast and reliable requests.
  • excon

    6.7 8.2 L4 Ruby
    Usable, fast, simple HTTP 1.1 for Ruby
  • Http Client

    6.2 2.1 L2 Ruby
    'httpclient' gives something like the functionality of libwww-perl (LWP) in Ruby.
  • Unirest

    4.5 0.0 Ruby
    Unirest in Ruby: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.