Hanami v0.6.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-01-12 // over 8 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • 🔧 [Luca Guidi] Introduced configurable assets compressors
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Introduced "CDN mode" in order to serve static assets via Content Distribution Networks
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Introduced "Digest mode" in production in order to generate and serve assets with checksum suffix
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Introduced lotus assets precompile command to precompile, minify and append checksum suffix to static assets
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Send Content-Cache HTTP header when serving static assets in production mode
    • [Luca Guidi] Support new env var SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS="true" in order to serve static assets for the entire project
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Generate new applications by including Web::Assets::Helpers in view.prepare block
    • [Luca Guidi] Introduced new Rake tasks :preload and :environment
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Introduced new Rake tasks db:migrate and assets:precompile for Rails/Heroku compatibility
    • [Tadeu Valentt & Lucas Allan Amorin] Added lotus destroy command for apps, models, actions, migrations and mailers
    • 🌐 [Lucas Allan Amorim] Custom initializers (apps/web/config/initializers) they are ran when the project is loaded and about to start
    • [Trung Lê] Generate mailer templates directory for new projects (eg. lib/bookshelf/mailers/templates)
    • [Tadeu Valentt] Alias --database as -d for lotus new
    • [Tadeu Valentt] Alias --arch as -a for lotus new
    • [Sean Collins] Let lotus generate action to guess HTTP method (--method arg) according to RESTful conventions
    • 0️⃣ [Gonzalo Rodríguez-Baltanás Díaz] Generate new applications with default favicon

    🛠 Fixed

    • [Neil Matatall] Use "secure compare" for CSRF tokens in order to prevent timing attacks
    • 👍 [Bernardo Farah] Fix support for chunked response body (via Rack::Chunked::Body)
    • [Lucas Allan Amorim] Add bundler as a runtime dependency
    • [Lucas Allan Amorim] Ensure to load properly Bundler dependencies when starting the application
    • [Luca Guidi] Ensure sessions to be always available for other middleware in Rack stack of single applications
    • [Ken Gullaksen] Ensure to specify LOTUS_PORT env var from .env
    • [Andrey Deryabin] Fix lotus new . and prevent to generate the project in a subdirectory of current one
    • [Jason Charnes] Validate entity name for model generator
    • 🛠 [Caius Durling] Fixed generator for nested actions (eg. lotus generate action web domains/certs#index)
    • [Tadeu Valentt] Prevent to generate migrations with the same name
    • [Luca Guidi] Ensure RSpec examples to be generated with RSpec.describe instead of only describe
    • [Andrey Deryabin] Avoid lotus command to generate unnecessary .lotusrc files
    • [Jason Charnes] Convert camel case application name into snake case when generating actions (eg. BeautifulBlossoms to beautiful_blossoms)
    • [Alfonso Uceda Pompa] Convert dasherized names into underscored names when generating projects (eg. awesome-project to awesome_project)

    🔄 Changed

    • [Sean Collins] Welcome page shows current year in copyright notes
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Add /public/assets* to .gitignore of new projects
    • 0️⃣ [Luca Guidi] Removed support for default_format in favor of default_request_format
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Removed support for apps/web/public in favor of apps/web/assets as assets sources for applications
    • 🍱 [Luca Guidi] Removed support for serve_assets for single applications in order to global static assets server enabled via SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS env var
    • 🔧 [Luca Guidi] assets configuration in apps/web/application.rb now accepts a block to configure sources and other settings