Hanami::Model v0.5.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-01-12 // over 8 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • [Taylor Finnell] Let Lotus::Model::Configuration#adapter to accept arbitrary options (eg. adapter type: :sql, uri: 'jdbc:...', after_connect: Proc.new { |connection| connection.auto_commit(true) })

    🔄 Changed

    • [Andrey Deryabin] Improved Entity#inspect
    • [Karim Tarek] Introduced Lotus::Model::Error and let all the framework exceptions to inherit from it.

    🛠 Fixed

    • [Luca Guidi] Improved error message when trying to use a repository without mapping the corresponding collections
    • [Sean Collins] Improved error message when trying to create database, but it fails (eg. missing createdb executable)
    • [Andrey Deryabin] Improved error message when trying to drop database, but a client is still connected (useful for PostgreSQL)
    • [Hiếu Nguyễn] Improved error message when trying to "prepare" database, but it fails