Mongoid v3.1.3 Release Notes

  • Resolved Issues

    • Dont duplicate embedded documents when saving after calling becomes method. (Arthur Neves)

    • ๐Ÿ”ง #2961 Reloading a mongoid.yml configuration now properly clears previously configured sessions.

    • #2937 Counts can now take a true argument to factor in skip and limit. (Arthur Neves)

    • #2921 Don't use type in identity map selection if inheritance is not in play. (Arthur Neves)

    • ๐Ÿšš #2893 Removed memoization of collection name and database name so lambdas with store_in work properly when changing.

    • #2911 The _destroy attribute on 1-n relations when processing nested attributes can now be a string or symbol when passed an array.

    • ๐Ÿš… #2886 Fixed namespacing issue with Rails generators.

    • ๐Ÿ›  #2885 Fixed touch for aliased fields. (Niels Ganser)

    • #2883 Allow cyclic relations to not raise mixed relation errors.

    • #2867 pluck now properly handles aliased fields.

    • #2862 Autosaving no longer performs extra unnecessary queries. (Arthur Neves)