Mongoid v3.1.5 Release Notes

  • Resolved Issues

    • #3231 Allow evolution of proxy documents to work in criteria.

    • #3247 Bump dependency on tzinfo to 0.3.29.

    • ๐Ÿ›  #3203 Fixed index: true specification for polymorphic relations.

    • ๐Ÿ›  #3192 Fixed aliased fields + localized fields combinations with validation. (Johnny Shields)

    • ๐Ÿ›  #3173 Fixed issues around many to many relations with custom primary keys. (Bowen Sun)

    • #3159 Upserting now properly flags documents as persisted.

    • #3137 Allow multiple belongs_to sets in a row with ids.

    • ๐Ÿ“„ #3079 Embedded docs with paranoia parents were losing the _id when reloading from db, as they didnt have the right persisted? value. (Arthur Neves)

    • #3081 Criteria's method_missing now checks if an array responds to the provided method before calling entries in order to not hit the database if a NoMethodError was to get raised.

    • #3068 Fixed spec runs on non standard MongoDB ports if MONGOID_SPEC_PORT is set.

    • #3047 Ensure blank? and empty? don't fall through method missing on criteria.

    • Include updated_at on cache_key even when is a short timestamp (Arthur Neves)