Overcommit v0.9.0 Release Notes

    • Include --force-exclusion flag in Rubocop hook so files excluded via .rubocop.yml are actually excluded
    • โž• Add pre-commit JsxHint hook which uses the JSXHint project
    • โž• Add pre-commit BerksfileCheck hook which warns you when your Berksfile.lock is out of sync with your Berksfile
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix BundleCheck to use git ls-files instead of git check-ignore, as the latter is only available as of git 1.8
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix bug where skipping a hook via the SKIP environment variable would incorrectly warn about the hook's configuration having changed
    • โž• Add MergeConflicts pre-commit hook which checks for unresolved merge conflicts in files
    • โž• Add RailsSchemaUpToDate pre-commit hook which checks for schema.rb/structure.sql that aren't up-to-date with the latest migration
    • โž• Add PryBinding pre-commit hook which checks for binding.pry calls that have been left behind in code
    • โž• Add LocalPathsInGemfile pre-commit hook which checks for gem dependencies pointing to local paths in a Gemfile
    • โž• Add JsonSyntax pre-commit hook which checks the syntax of all .json files
    • โž• Add Brakeman pre-commit hook which runs security checks against code (disabled by default as it is slow)
    • โž• Add ChamberSecurity pre-commit hook which ensures that chamber secure has been run before committing your changes (see the Chamber gem for more information)