PaperTrail v5.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-05-02 // almost 8 years ago
  • 💥 Breaking Changes

    • #758 - PaperTrail.config.track_associations getter method removed, use track_associations? instead.
    • #740 - PaperTrail.config.track_associations? now defaults to false
    • #723 - PaperTrail.enabled= now affects all threads
    • #556 / #301 - If you are tracking who is responsible for changes with whodunnit, be aware that PaperTrail no longer adds the set_paper_trail_whodunnit before_action for you. Please add this before_action to your ApplicationController to continue recording whodunnit. See the readme for an example.
    • #683 / #682 - Destroy callback default changed to :before to accommodate ActiveRecord 5 option belongs_to_required_by_default and new Rails 5 default.

    ➕ Added

    • #771 - Added support for has_and_belongs_to_many associations
    • #741 / #681 MySQL unicode support in migration generator
    • #689 - Rails 5 compatibility
    • ➕ Added a rails config option: config.paper_trail.enabled
    • #503 - Support for reifying belongs_to associations.

    🛠 Fixed

    • #777 - Support HMT associations with :source option.
    • #738 - Rare bug where a non-versioned STI parent caused changeset to return an empty hash.
    • #731 - Map enums to database values before storing in object_changes column.
    • #715 - Optimize post-rollback association reset.
    • #701 / #699 - Cleaning old versions explicitly preserves the most recent versions instead of relying on database result ordering.
    • #635 - A bug where it was not possible to disable PT when using a multi-threaded webserver.
    • #584 - Fixed deprecation warning for Active Record after_callback / after_commit