Perpetuity v0.4.3 Release Notes

    • Made Mapper#load_association! more friendly. It now loads the associated objects for all objects passed in and works with arrays of referenced objects.
    • ⚡️ Mapper#load_association! is also now more efficient — the N+1 queries have been optimized. The number of queries it fires off is now equal to the quantity of different classes of associated objects.
      • For example, if a user can have either a UserProfile or an AdminProfile as its profile attribute, Perpetuity will use two queries in #load_association! if and only if both types of profiles are used.
      • In that example, if you only query users with a UserProfile, only one DB query will be triggered.

    🆕 New query example:

    user_mapper = Perpetuity[User]
    users = user_mapper.all.to_a
    user_mapper.load_association! users, :profile

    Each of the users in the DB will have their profiles loaded with a single DB query per profile type and stored in their profile attributes.