

Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams. It is similar to Textpattern or MovableType, but is a general purpose content management system (not just a blogging engine).

Radiant features:

Code Quality Rank: L4
Monthly Downloads: 551
Programming language: Ruby
License: MIT License
Tags: CMS    
Latest version: v1.1.4

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Welcome to Radiant

Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams. It is similar to Textpattern or MovableType, but is a general purpose content management system (not just a blogging engine).

Build Status

Radiant features:

  • An elegant user interface
  • The ability to arrange pages in a hierarchy
  • Flexible templating with layouts, snippets, page parts, and a custom tagging language (Radius: http://radius.rubyforge.org)
  • A simple user management/permissions system
  • Support for Markdown and Textile as well as traditional HTML (it's easy to create other filters)
  • An advanced plugin system
  • Operates in two modes: dev and production depending on the URL
  • A caching system which expires pages every 5 minutes
  • Built using Ruby on Rails
  • And much more...


Radiant is released under the MIT license and is copyright (c) 2006-2018 John W. Long and Sean Cribbs. A copy of the MIT license can be found in the LICENSE file.

Installation and Setup

Radiant is a traditional Ruby on Rails application, meaning that you can configure and run it the way you would a normal Rails application.

See the INSTALL file for more details.

Installation of a Prerelease

As Radiant nears newer releases, you can experiment with any prerelease version.

Install the prerelease gem with the following command:

$ gem install radiant --prerelease

This will install the gem with the prerelease name, for example: ‘radiant-0.9.0.rc2’.

Upgrading an Existing Project to a newer version

  1. Update the Radiant assets from in your project:

    $ rake radiant:update
  2. Migrate the database:

    $ rake production db:migrate
  3. Restart the web server

Development Requirements

To run tests you will need to have the following gems installed:

gem install ZenTest rspec rspec-rails cucumber webrat nokogiri sqlite3-ruby


The best place to get support is on the mailing list:


Most of the development for Radiant happens on Github:


The project wiki is here:



-- The Radiant Dev Team http://radiantcms.org

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Radiant README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.