Sail v3.0.0 Release Notes

  • ⚡️ There are some breaking changes in this new major version. Please read through the changelog and execute the update generator to create the necessary migrations.

    $ rails g sail:update
    • ✨ Enhance sort menu placement for responsive layouts


    • ➕ Add active profile indicators


    • Reload page after profile switching


    • Create rake task to export database settings to config file


    • 👍 Allow Sail.get to be used with a block. Start yielding setting value to passed block.


    • ⚡️ Create update generator to assist user upgrading major versions


    • ➕ Add profiles with API and modal
      • Creating, updating, deleting and switching profiles
      • API for switching in JSON
      • All operations implemented as part of the dashboard

    ⚡️ In order to create profiles in the application, run the update generator. Even if upgrading from 1.x.x (generator will detect current state of the database and add the appropriate migrations).

    $ rails g sail:update

    Or create the migration manually.

    class CreateSailProfiles < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
      def change
        create_table :sail_entries do |t|
          t.string :value, null: false
          t.references :setting, index: true
          t.references :profile, index: true
        create_table :sail_profiles do |t|
          t.string :name, null: false
          t.boolean :active, default: false
          t.index ["name"], name: "index_sail_profiles_on_name", unique: true
        add_foreign_key(:sail_entries, :sail_settings, column: :setting_id)
        add_foreign_key(:sail_entries, :sail_profiles, column: :profile_id)


    • ➕ Add relevancy score to settings
