Scorched v0.21 Release Notes

    • Named captures have changed again. The values are now passed as arguments to route proc's in favor of using the new captures convenience method for accessing named arguments as a hash.
    • The :redirect option for :strip_trailing_slashes no longer cause a redirection loop when the request path is set to two or more forward slashes, e.g. '//'
    • 0️⃣ Changed default value of render_defaults[:tilt] to {default_encoding: 'UTF-8'}. This defaults Tilt to using UTF-8 for loading template files, which is desirable 99% of the time.
    • The action method has been split out into two new methods, process and dispatch. This provides the oppurtunity to override the dispatch logic where more control is needed over how mapping targets are invoked.
    • :failed_condition condition now takes into account whether any mapping has actually handled the request. This allows for example, the correct status to be set when a mapping has been matched, but has passed the request.