Truemail v1.7.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-05-09 // almost 4 years ago
  • ➕ Added ability to use not RFC MX lookup flow (MX and Null MX records will be checked on the DNS validation layer only).

    Truemail.configure do |config| # Optional parameter. This option will provide to use not RFC MX lookup flow.# It means that MX and Null MX records will be cheked on the DNS validation layer only.# By default this option is disabled.config.not\_rfc\_mx\_lookup\_flow = trueend

    ⚡️ 1. Updated Truemail::Configuration ⚡️ 2. Updated Truemail::Validate::Mx ⚡️ 3. Updated gem development dependencies 📚 4. Updated gem documentation ⚡️ 5. Updated gem version to 1.7.0