
Multi-line strings are a common need in programming when you want to work with text that spans across multiple lines, such as paragraphs, code snippets, or even structured data like JSON.
Embark on a guided journey to create a new Ruby on Rails application from scratch. Explore the power of Rails and begin your web development adventure today!
Ruby OOP fundamentals: Create classes, define methods, and unleash coding superpowers!
Discover how to handle errors like a pro in Ruby! Learn the best ways to deal with common coding mistakes and make your programs more reliable and robust.
A detailed deep-dive into using enums in Ruby on Rails
A deep dive into a favourite background-processing system for Ruby on Rails. Updated February 2021 for Ruby on Rails 6.1 and Sidekiq 6.1.3 while also adding a step-by-step guide for deploying to Heroku.
I've revised and updated my article on creating a custom input field in Active Admin using React:
We’re continuing the series on building a Customer Relationship Management system with Ruby on Rails.
Which should you choose for your new project?

Ruby on Rails and Django are two of the best and most popular web development frameworks out there. How do you choose the right one for your new project in 2020?
Use the annotate gem to get a summary of the Active Record schema at the top or bottom of relevant files.
This is the first of a series of tutorial on building a Customer Relationship Management application using Ruby on Rails.
Hello πŸ‘‹

Just published a new piece on building hybrid React/Rails apps. Let me know what you think