vcr v0.4.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2010-04-28 // about 14 years ago
  • Full Changelog

    • Added support for webmock. All the fakeweb-specific code is now in an adapter (as is the webmock code).

    • Changed the format of the VCR cassettes. The old format was tied directly to Net::HTTP, but webmock supports other HTTP libraries and I plan to allow VCR to use them in the future. Note that this is a breaking change--your old VCR cassettes from prior releases will not work with VCR 0.4.0. However, VCR provides a rake task to assist you in migrating your cassettes to the new format. Simply add load 'vcr/tasks/vcr.rake' to your project's Rakefile, and run:

      $ rake vcr:migrate_cassettes DIR=path/to/cassette/library/directory
    • The new cassette format records more information about the request (i.e. the request headers and body), so that it can potentially be used with webmock in the future.

    • Made most of VCR::Cassette's methods private. I had forgotten to make the methods private before, and most of them don't need to be exposed.

    • Automatically disallow http connections using the appropriate setting of the http stubbing library (fakeweb or webmock). This relieves users from the need to set the option themselves, so they hopefully aren't using either fakeweb or webmock directly, making it much easier to switch between these.

    • Change documentation from rdoc to markdown format.

    • Lots of other refactoring.