vcr v1.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2010-08-22 // over 13 years ago
  • Full Changelog

    • Added :match_requests_on cassette option, which determines how VCR matches requests.
    • Removed VCR::TaskRunner and the corresponding rake task definition. The rake task migrated cassettes from the 0.3.1 format to the 0.4+ format. If you are still on 0.3.1 or earlier, I recommend you upgrade to 0.4.1 first, migrate your cassettes and deal with migration warnings, then upgrade to the current release.
    • Added some code to to check the options passed to the cassette and raise an error if any invalid options are passed.
    • Optimized ERB rendering a bit. Rather than creating a new struct subclass for each time we render an ERB cassette with locals, we keep a cache of reusable struct subclasses based on the desired attributes. Benchmarking reveals this is about 28% faster.
    • Upgraded tests to use em-http-request 0.2.10 rather than 0.2.7.