Video Transcoding v0.16.0 Release Notes

  • Friday, January 20, 2017

    • Add a --cvbr option to transcode-video. This is essentially the same as the experimental option of the same name which was removed on February 25, 2016, but now it doesn't have a bitrate argument. It enables a simple constrained variable bitrate (CVBR) ratecontrol system, less constrained than the default, producing a more predictable output size while avoiding VBV underflow warnings. Use it with --target big for the best results.
    • 0️⃣ Modify the --abr option in transcode-video to no longer use a bitrate argument. Instead, it relies on the --target option to control bitrate, just like the default ratecontrol system and the new --cvbr option. So, passing a bitrate argument is now an error. But you should consider using --cvbr instead of --abr anyway since the former is almost always higher quality.
    • ✂ Remove the deprecated --no-constrain option from detect-crop and the --no-constrain-crop option from transcode-video.
    • Modify convert-video to allow HEVC format video along with H.264.
    • ⚡️ Update the "README" document to:
      • Revise and simplify the Windows installation instructions to point users at the fine work by @samhutchins and @JMoVS on documenting their two methods. Via #115.
      • Revise the "Using transcode-video" section to correct out-of-date performance data about the --quick option.
      • Revise the H.265 answer in the "FAQ" section with up-to-date information about the x265 video encoder. Via #118.