Video Transcoding v0.9.0 Release Notes

  • Monday, May 2, 2016

    • Revise the syntax and behavior of the --main-audio, --add-audio and --audio-width options in transcode-video:
      • Allow selecting the main audio output track by finding the first input track in a specific language. For example, --main-audio spa can now use a language code to select the first Spanish track. Previously, only track numbers were allowed as main audio selection arguments. Via #8 from @JMoVS.
      • Allow assignment of an optional name to the main audio track when using a language code. For example, --main-audio spa="Other Dialogue" sets the track name in the same manner as using a track number.
      • Restrict the default main audio track to the first track, i.e. track number 1, if the --main-audio option is not used. Previously, the default main audio track could be the first track selected by the --add-audio option when a language code argument was used. This was a hack because, at that time, the --main-audio option itself couldn't select by language.
      • No longer require or even allow language= to prefix a language code argument when using the --add-audio option. For example, use --add-audio fra to add all the French language tracks. This is much easier to type.
      • Add argument shortcuts to select the main track or other non-main tracks when using the --audio-width option. Previously, tracks were selected only by track number or all at once. The main shortcut is useful when the main audio track number is unknown because it was selected using a language code. The other shortcut is useful when all would also modify the main audio track.
    • Revise the syntax of the --add-subtitle option in transcode-video to match the change to the --add-audio option which no longer requires or even allows language= to prefix a language code argument.
    • ➕ Add a --tabular option to query-handbrake-log in order to better format its output report for later import into a spreadsheet application. This uses a tab character instead of a single space as the field delimiter and suppresses the fps and kbps labels. Via #64.
    • 🛠 Fix a bug where query-handbrake-log time reported the wrong result when parsing .log files from output using a forced frame rate. It's possible this was a regression due to a change in HandBrake.
    • ✂ Remove a stray "TODO" comment line in query-handbrake-log.
    • ⚡️ Update the "README" document to:
      • Revise the "Understanding audio" section to reflect new syntax and behavior in transcode-video.
      • Add links to the "History" section for release numbers, pull requests, issues and contributors.
      • Correct the release date for version 0.4.0 in the "History" section.
      • Insert a missing "Via" and period in the 0.8.1 release information.