Cells v3.5.1 Release Notes

    • No longer pass an explicit Proc but a versioner block to @Cell.Base.cache@. Example: @cache :show do "v1" end@
    • Caching.cache_key_for now uses @ActiveSupport::Cache.expand_cache_key@. Consequently, a key which used to be like @"cells/director/count/a=1/b=2"@ now is @cells/director/count/a=1&b=2@ and so on. Be warned that this might break your home-made cache expiry.
    • Controller#expire_cell_state now expects the cell class as first arg. Example: @expire_cell_state(DirectorCell, :count)@

    🛠 h3. Bugfixes

    • Passing options to @render :state@ in views finally works: @render({:state => :list_item}, item, i)@