Abstraction gems

Showing projects tagged as Abstraction

  • Trailblazer

    8.5 5.1 L5 Ruby
    The advanced business logic framework for Ruby.
  • Interactor

    8.5 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Interactor provides a common interface for performing complex user interactions.
  • Cells

    8.3 0.0 L5 Ruby
    View components for Ruby and Rails.
  • wisper

    8.3 4.2 Ruby
    A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities
  • Responders

    7.6 5.0 L2 Ruby
    A set of Rails responders to dry up your application
  • ActiveInteraction

    7.5 2.4 L5 Ruby
    :briefcase: Manage application specific business logic.
  • Decent Exposure

    7.2 0.0 L5 Ruby
    A helper for creating declarative interfaces in controllers
  • Rails Event Store

    6.7 9.6 Ruby
    A Ruby implementation of an Event Store based on Active Record
  • contracts.ruby

    6.6 4.6 Ruby
    Contracts for Ruby.
  • Mutations

    6.5 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Compose your business logic into commands that sanitize and validate input.
  • dry-types

    6.0 6.1 L5 Ruby
    Flexible type system for Ruby with coercions and constraints
  • Light Service

    5.5 5.6 L5 Ruby
    Series of Actions with an emphasis on simplicity.
  • Amoeba

    5.4 5.6 Ruby
    A ruby gem to allow the copying of ActiveRecord objects and their associated children, configurable with a DSL on the model
  • Apotomo

    5.2 0.0 L5 Ruby
    MVC Components for Rails.
  • Inline SVG

    5.2 4.9 Ruby
    Embed SVG documents in your Rails views and style them with CSS
  • SimpleCommand

    5.1 0.0 Ruby
    A simple, standardized way to build and use Service Objects (aka Commands) in Ruby
  • Rectify

    4.9 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Build maintainable Rails apps
  • Sequent

    4.8 8.2 Ruby
    CQRS & event sourcing framework for Ruby
  • Waterfall

    4.6 0.0 L5 Ruby
    A slice of functional programming to chain ruby services and blocks, thus providing a new approach to flow control. Make them flow!
  • dry-transaction

    4.5 6.4 Ruby
    Business transaction DSL
  • u-service

    4.5 3.1 Ruby
    Represent use cases in a simple and powerful way while writing modular, expressive and sequentially logical code.
  • Rails Workflow Engine

    3.9 0.0 Ruby
    Check Wiki for details
  • Clowne

    3.5 4.5 Ruby
    A flexible gem for cloning models
  • flor

    3.3 7.6 Ruby
    a workflow engine
  • Surrounded

    3.1 2.0 L5 Ruby
    Create encapsulated systems of objects and focus on their interactions
  • PageletRails

    3.0 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Improve perceived performance of your rails application with minimum effort
  • dynflow

    2.8 6.3 Ruby
    DYNamic workFLOW orchestration engine
  • Smart Init - Simple service objects in Ruby

    2.6 2.0 Ruby
    A simple gem for eliminating Ruby initializers boilerplate code, and providing unified service objects API
  • Postwill

    2.5 0.0 Ruby
    DISCONTINUED. Posting to the most popular social media from Ruby
  • Setsy

    2.4 0.0 Ruby
    Settings for classes backed by a database with defaults.