

An implementation of an Event Store for Ruby and Rails. Comes with Active Record adapter.

This single repository hosts several gems.

Monthly Downloads: 112,029
Programming language: Ruby
License: MIT License
Latest version: v1.2.2

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Rails Event Store

Rails Event Store (RES) is a library for publishing, consuming, storing and retrieving events. It's your best companion for going with an event-driven architecture for your Rails application.

You can use it:

as your Publish-Subscribe bus to decouple core business logic from external concerns in Hexagonal style architectures as an alternative to ActiveRecord callbacks and Observers as a communication layer between loosely coupled components to react to published events synchronously or asynchronously to extract side-effects (notifications, metrics etc) from your controllers and services into event handlers to build an audit-log to create read-models to implement event-sourcing


Documentation, tutorials and code samples are available at https://railseventstore.org.

Code status

This single repository hosts several gems and website with documentation โ€” see the contribution guide.

We're aiming for 100% mutation coverage in this project. This is why:

Whenever you fix a bug or add a new feature, we require that the coverage doesn't go down.

RailsEventStore gems

Name CI Version Downloads
rails_event_store GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
rails_event_store_active_record GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-browser GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-rspec GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
aggregate_root GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem

Contributed gems

Name CI Version Downloads
ruby_event_store-outbox GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-protobuf GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-profiler GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-flipper GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-transformations GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-rom GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem
ruby_event_store-sidekiq_scheduler GitHub Workflow Status Gem Gem

Unreleased contributed gems

Name CI
ruby_event_store-newrelic GitHub Workflow Status
minitest-ruby_event_store GitHub Workflow Status
dres_rails GitHub Workflow Status
dres_client GitHub Workflow Status


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