Glimmer DSL for SWT v4.18.5.4 Release Notes

    • 👌 Support passing width, height as :default (or nil or not passed in if they are the last args) in all shapes that include other shapes to indicate they are calculated automatically from nested shapes, text/string extent, or otherwise defaulting to 0, 0
    • 0️⃣ Support [:default, width_delta], [:default, height_delta] attributes for width and height, which add/subtract from defaults used for shape
    • Switch from use of :default with x_delta/y_delta to passing [:default, x_delta] or [:default, y_delta] (e.g. image(file, [:default, -30], :default) for x = default - 30 and y = default + 0)
    • 👌 Support a bounding box for all shapes, implementing #bounds (x, y, width, and height) and #size (width, height) for the ones that don't receive as parameters (like polygon)