Hanami v2.0.0.alpha3 Release Notes

Release Date: 2021-11-09 // over 2 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • [Luca Guidi] Added Hanami.shutdown to stop all bootable components in the application container
    • [Tim Riley] Added component_dir_paths application setting to allow for components to be loaded from additional directories inside each slice directory. To begin with, this defaults to %w[actions repositories views]. Components inside these directories are expected to be namespaced to match the directory name; e.g. given a main slice, slices/main/actions/home.rb is expected to define Main::Actions::Home, and will be registered in the slice container as "actions.home".

    🔄 Changed

    • [Tim Riley] A slice's classes can now be defined directly inside slices/[slice_name]/lib/; e.g. given a main slice, slices/main/lib/example.rb is expected to define Main::Example, and will be registered in the slice container as "example"
    • 🔧 [Tim Riley] The root lib/ directory is no longer configured as a component dir, and classes inside lib/[app_namespace]/ will no longer be auto-registered into the container. If you need to share components, create them in their own slices as appropriate, and import those slices into the other slices that require them.
    • 🔧 [Tim Riley] lib/[app_namespace]/ is configured for autoloading, and lib/ is added to $LOAD_PATH to support explicit requires for source files outside lib/[app_namespace]/.
    • 🔧 [Tim Riley] (Internal) Ported Hanami::Configuration and related classes to use dry-configurable
    • 🔧 [Tim Riley] Application inflector can be entirely replaced, if required, via Hanami::Configuration#inflector=. Custom inflection rules can still be provided to the default inflector via Hanami::Configuration#inflections.
    • 🔧 [Marc Busqué] App settings are defined within a concrete class rather than an anonymous block, to allow for users to leverage the typical behavior of Ruby classes, such as for defining their own types module to use for coercing setting values. This class also relies on dry-configurable for its settings implementation, so the standard dry-configurable setting API is available, such as the constructor: and default: options.

      # frozen_string_literal: true
      require "dry/types"
      require "hanami/application/settings"
      module TestApp
        class Settings < Hanami::Application::Settings
          # Example usage of a types module (previously not possible inside the anonymous block)
          Types = Dry.Types()
          setting :session_secret, constructor: Types::String.constrained(min_size: 20)
          setting :some_bool, constructor: Types::Params::Bool, default: false
    • [Marc Busqué] Application settings_loader and settings_loader_options have been replaced with settings_store, which is an updated abstraction for providing setting values to work with the new Hanami::Application::Settings implementation noted above (see Application::Settings::DotenvStore for the default store, which provides the same behavior as previously)

    • 🚀 [Marc Busqué] Routes are defined within a concrete class rather than an anonymous block, to provide consistency with the settings (noted above), as well a place for additional behavior (in future releases):

      # frozen_string_literal: true
      require "hanami/application/routes"
      module MyApp
        class Routes < Hanami::Application::Routes
          define do
            slice :main, at: "/" do
              root to: "home.show"