Links to issues, pull requests or articles demonstrating known memory leaks (gems are listed alphabetically).
Leaky Gems alternatives and similar gems
Based on the "Debugging Tools" category.
Alternatively, view Leaky Gems alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Rails Footnotes
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DISCONTINUED. Just Another Ruby Debugger. Provide a rich Terminal UI that visualizes everything your need, navigates your program with pleasure, stops at matter places only, reduces manual and mental efforts. You can now focus on real debugging. -
A formatted output of all methods called in your rails application of code created by the developer, with the complete path to the class/module, including passed params. -
Brand new remote app inspecting tool. Declare feature steps and receive params, stack trace and whatever you want. -
DISCONTINUED. Rbcat it's a CLI tool which reads content from standard input and colorizes it by set of regex rules
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Do you think we are missing an alternative of Leaky Gems or a related project?
A list of gems that have memory leaks
Links to issues, pull requests or articles demonstrating known memory leaks (gems are listed alphabetically):
- celluloid > 0.16.0, < 0.17.2
- csspool < 4.0.3
- grape < 0.2.5
- oj < 2.12.4
- redcarpet < 3.3.3
- redis = 3.3.0
- sidekiq < 3.5.1
- sidekiq-statistic
- therubyracer < 0.12.2
- zipruby <= 0.3.6
Your Ruby app leaks memory if you see gems above in your Gemfile.lock. The list above may save you a week or more of your personal life.
A list of gems that have memory issues (but not actual leaks)
It appears some contributors submit gems with known memory issues, but not actual leaks. While those issues don't qualify as leaks they may still be important. I prefer listing them here to help other developers rather than just hiding them.
Links to known memory issues (gems are listed alphabetically):
- activeadmin
- axlsx
- delayed_job >= 4.06
- libxml-ruby < 2.9.0 with Nokogiri RC3
- newrelic_rpm >= 3.9.4, <= 3.9.7
- sequel >= 2.12.0
- stomp <= 1.3.5
Feel free to submit a PR if you find any memory leaks in gems. The format is the following:
[leaky gem name and versions affected](link to confirm)
- Graham Conzett @conzett
- Jacob Oakes @oakesja
- Juan Ignacio Sánchez Lara @juanignaciosl
- Ilya Vassilevsky @vassilevsky
- Sebastiaan Pouyet @srpouyet
- Michal Kulesza @mic-kul
- Benoit Tigeot @benoittgt
- Jolyon Pawlyn @jpawlyn
- Shai Coleman @shaicoleman
- Ryan Rosenblum @rrosenblum
- Lumir Olivares @lumir
After almost 4 years from the initial request a gem that checks Gemfile.lock
for leaky gems has been created –