

ActiveScaffold provides a quick and powerful user interfaces for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for Rails applications. It offers additonal features including searching, pagination & layout control. Rails >= 4.0.5 is supported, ruby >= 2.1 supported, although it should work with ruby >= 2.0.0, it's too old and not tested. Ruby < 2.0.0 won't work.

Monthly Downloads: 6,806
Programming language: Ruby
License: MIT License
Latest version: v3.6.12

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ActiveScaffold provides a quick and powerful user interfaces for CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for Rails applications. It offers additonal features including searching, pagination & layout control. Rails >= 5.2.0 is supported, ruby >= 2.5 required.

Branch Details

3-6-stable supports rails >= 4.2.x and <= 6.1.x, and ruby >= 2.3.0

These versions are not supported anymore:
3-5-stable supports rails >= 4.0.x and <= 5.1.x, and ruby >= 2.0.0
3-4-stable supports rails >= 3.2.x and <= 4.2.x, and ruby >= 1.9.3
3-3-stable supports rails 3.2.x and ruby >= 1.8
rails-3.2 supports Rails 3.1 & 3.2, and is the current source of the 3.2.x line of gems.

Quick Start

To get started with a new Rails project

Added to Gemfile

gem 'active_scaffold'

For rails >= 5.1, add jquery-rails to Gemfile, and install generator will jquery to application.js before rails-ujs. Also it's possible to load jquery in your layout before application.js using CDN (e.g. jquery-rails-cdn). You can replace rails-ujs with jquery_ujs, although rails-ujs should work (never load both).

gem 'jquery-rails'

For rails >= 6.0, installer generator will create app/assets/javascripts/application.js, add it to assets.precompile array and add javascript_include_tag in layout, as ActiveScaffold doesn't work with webpack yet. Jquery may be loaded by packs or assets pipeline.

Run the following commands, for rails 4.2

bundle install
rails g active_scaffold:install
bundle exec rake db:create
rails g active_scaffold:resource Model [attrs]
bundle exec rake db:migrate

Or run the following commands, for rails >= 5

bundle install
rails g active_scaffold:install
rails db:create
rails g active_scaffold:resource Model [attrs]
rails db:migrate

Run the app and visit localhost:3000/


Threadsafe can be enabled calling ActiveScaffold.threadsafe! in an initializer. It should be enabled on app start and it can't be disabled. Threadsafety is a new feature and not well tested yet.


See Wiki for instructions on customising ActiveScaffold and to find the full API details.


ActiveScaffold grew out of a project named Ajaxscaffold dating back to 2006. It has had numerous contributors including:

ActiveScaffold Gem/Plugin by Scott Rutherford ([email protected]), Richard White ([email protected]), Lance Ivy ([email protected]), Ed Moss, Tim Harper and Sergio Cambra ([email protected])

Uses DhtmlHistory by Brad Neuberg ([email protected]) http://codinginparadise.org

Uses Querystring by Adam Vandenberg http://adamv.com/dev/javascript/querystring

Uses Paginator by Bruce Williams http://paginator.rubyforge.org/

Supports RecordSelect by Lance Ivy and Sergio Cambra http://github.com/scambra/recordselect/


Released under the MIT license (included)

A ruby translation project managed on Locale that's open to all!

Contributing to active_scaffold

  • Edit the translations directly on the active_scaffold project on Locale.
  • That's it!
  • The maintainer will then pull translations from the Locale project and push to Github.

Happy translating!

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ActiveScaffold README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.