Shiba (currently in alpha) automatically reviews SQL queries before they cause problems in production. It uses production statistics for realistic query analysis. It catches missing indexes, overly broad indexes, and queries that return too much data.
Shiba alternatives and similar gems
Based on the "Database Tools" category.
Alternatively, view Shiba alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Database Cleaner
Strategies for cleaning databases in Ruby. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing. -
lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays a list of columns that probably should be indexed. Also, it can generate .sql migration scripts. -
Seed Fu
Advanced seed data handling for Rails, combining the best practices of several methods together. -
Seedbank gives your seed data a little structure. Create seeds for each environment, share seeds between environments and specify dependencies to load your seeds in order. All nicely integrated with simple rake tasks. -
The tool to avoid various issues due to inconsistencies and inefficiencies between a database schema and application models. -
Polo travels through your database and creates sample snapshots so you can work with real world data in development. -
DISCONTINUED. SchemaPlus provides a collection of enhancements and extensions to ActiveRecord -
Upsert on MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite3. Transparently creates functions (UDF) for MySQL and PostgreSQL; on SQLite3, uses INSERT OR IGNORE. -
Catch unsafe PostgreSQL migrations in development and run them easier in production (code helpers for table/column renaming, changing column type, adding columns with default, background migrations, etc). -
Ruby PG Extras
Ruby PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more. -
Simple solution to make encrypted with ccrypt PostgreSQL backups and storing on Google Drive API -
Slack Smart Bot
Create a Slack bot that is smart and so easy to expand, create new bots on demand, run ruby code on chat, create shortcuts... The main scope of this gem is to be used internally in the company so teams can create team channels with their own bot to help them on their daily work, almost everything is suitable to be automated!! slack-smart-bot can create bots on demand, create shortcuts, run ruby code... just on a chat channel. You can access it just from your mobile phone if you want and run those tests you forgot to run, get the results, restart a server... no limits. -
Perfect Shape
Perfect Shape is a collection of geometric algorithms that are mostly useful for GUI manipulation like checking containment of a point in popular geometric shapes such as rectangle, square, arc, circle, polygon, and paths containing lines, quadratic bézier curves, and cubic bezier curves. Also, some general math algorithms like IEEE-754 Remainder. -
ActiveRecord Setops
Union, Intersect, and Difference set operations for ActiveRecord (also, SQL's UnionAll). -
Simple but fast Redis-backed distributed rate limiter. Allows you to specify time interval and count within to limit distributed operations. -
A Pry plugin that captures exceptions that may arise from typos and deduces the correct command.
CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers

* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of Shiba or a related project?
Shiba is a tool (currently in alpha) that automatically reviews SQL queries before they cause problems in production. It uses production statistics for realistic query analysis. It catches missing indexes, overly broad indexes, and queries that return too much data.
Install in a Rails / ActiveRecord project using bundler. Note: this gem is not designed to be run on production. It should be required after minitest/rspec.
# Gemfile
gem 'shiba', :group => :test, :require => 'shiba/setup'
If your application lazy loads gems, you will to manually require it.
# config/environments/test.rb or test/test_helper.rb
require 'shiba/setup'
To get started, try out shiba locally. To verify shiba is actually running, you can run your tests with SHIBA_DEBUG=true.
# Install
# Run some tests using to generate a SQL report
rake test:functional
rails test test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb
SHIBA_DEBUG=true ruby test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb
# 1 problematic query detected
# Report available at /tmp/shiba-explain.log-1550099512
Postgres Support
Note: Postgres support is under development. For hopefully reliable results, test tables should have at least 1,000 rows.
Next steps
- Integrate with Github pull requests
- Add production stats for realistic analysis
- Preview queries from the developer console
- Read more about typical query problems
- Using with languages other than Ruby
Going beyond table scans
Without more information, Shiba acts as a simple missed index detector. To catch other problems that can bring down production (or at least cause some performance issues), Shiba requires general statistics about production data, such as the number of rows in a table and how unique columns are.
This information can be obtained by running the bin/dump_stats command in production.
git clone
cd shiba ; bundle
bin/mysql_dump_stats -d DATABASE_NAME -h HOST -u USER -pPASS > ~/shiba_index.yml
scp production:~/shiba_index.yml RAILS_PROJECT/config
The stats file will look similar to the following:
local$ head <rails_project>/config/shiba_index.yml
count: 10000
- column: id
rows_per: 1 # one row per unique `id`
unique: true
name: index_users_on_email
- column: email
rows_per: 1 # one row per email address (also unique)
unique: true
name: index_users_on_organization_id
- column: organization_id
rows_per: 20% # each organization has, on average, 20% or 2000 users.
unique: false
Automatic pull request reviews
Shiba can automatically comment on Github pull requests when code changes appear to introduce a query issue. To do this, it will need the Github API token of a user that has access to the repo. Shiba's comments will appear to come from that user, so you'll likely want to setup a bot account on Github with repo access for this. The token can be generated on Github at
Once the token is ready, you can integrate Shiba on your CI server by following these steps:
Travis Integration
On Travis, add this to the after_script setting:
# .travis.yml
- bundle exec shiba review --submit
Add the Github API token you've generated as an environment variable named SHIBA_GITHUB_TOKEN
CircleCI Integration
To integrate with CircleCI, add this after the the test run step in .circleci/config.yml
# .circleci/config.yml
- run:
name: Review SQL queries
command: bundle exec shiba review --submit
An environment variable named SHIBA_GITHUB_TOKEN
will need to be configured on CircleCI under Project settings > Environment Variables
Custom CI Integration
To run on other servers, two steps are required:
- Ensure an environment variable named
is set when the tests and shiba script are run. - Run the
shiba review
command after tests are run, supplying the required arguments to--submit, --token, --branch, and --pull-request
. For example:
export CI
rake test
bundle exec shiba review --submit --token $MY_GITHUB_TOKEN --branch $(git rev-parse HEAD) --pull-request $MY_PR_NUMBER
The --submit
option tells Shiba to comment on the relevant PR when an issue is found.
Analyze queries from the developer console
For quick analysis, queries can be analyzed from the Rails console.
# rails console
[1] pry(main)> require 'shiba/console'
=> true
[2] pry(main)> shiba User.where(email: "[email protected]")
Severity: high
Fuzzed Data: Table sizes estimated as follows -- 100000: users
Table Scan: The database reads 100% (100000) of the of the rows in **users**, skipping any indexes.
Results: The database returns 100000 row(s) to the client.
Estimated query time: 3.02s
=> #<Shiba::Console::ExplainRecord:0x00007ffc154e6128>: 'SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '[email protected]''. Call the 'help' method on this object for more info.
[3] pry(main)>
Raw query strings are also supported, e.g. shiba "select * from users where = '[email protected]'"
Typical query problems
Here are some typical query problems Shiba can detect. We'll assume the following schema:
create_table :users do |t|
t.string :name
t.string :email
# add an organization_id column with an index
t.references :organization, index: true
Full table scans
The most simple case to detect are queries that don't utilize indexes. While it isn't a problem to scan small tables, often tables will grow large enough where this can become a serious issue.
user = User.where(email: '[email protected]').limit(1)
Without an index, the database will read every row in the table until it finds one with an email address that matches. By adding an index, the database can perform a quick lookup for the record.
Non selective indexes
Another common case is queries that use an index, and work fine in the average case, but the distribution is non normal. These issues can be hard to track down and often impact large customers.
users = User.where(organization_id: 1)
# => 75
users = User.where(organization_id: 42)
# => 52,000
Normally a query like this would only become a problem as the app grows in popularity. Fixes include adding limit
or find_each
With more data, Shiba can help detect this issue when it appears in a pull request.
Language support
Shiba commands can be used to analyze non Ruby / Rails projects when given a query log file. The log file is a list of queries with the query's backtrace as a SQL comment. The backtrace comment must begin with the word 'shiba' followed by a JSON array of backtrace lines:
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '[email protected]' /*shiba["test/app/app.rb:29:in `<main>'", "Rakefile:0:in `<run>'"]*/
SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` ORDER BY `users`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 /*shiba["test/app/app.rb:30:in `<main>'", "Rakefile:0:in `<run>'"]*/
The generated log file can then be analyzed after installing Ruby.
gem install bundler
git clone
cd shiba
bin/explain -f query.log --database <DB_NAME> --server mysql --json explain.log.json
bin/review -f explain.log.json
# When no problem queries are found, the command will exit with status 0.
$ echo $?
$ 0