Sidekiq v2.9.0 Release Notes

    • ⚡️ Update 'sidekiq/testing' to work with any Sidekiq::Client call. It also serializes the arguments as using Redis would. [#713]
    • 👷 Raise a Sidekiq::Shutdown error within workers which don't finish within the hard timeout. This is to prevent unwanted database transaction commits. [#377]
    • Lazy load Redis connection pool, you no longer need to specify anything in Passenger or Unicorn's after_fork callback [#794]
    • ➕ Add optional Worker#retries_exhausted hook after max retries failed. [jkassemi, #780]
    • 🛠 Fix bug in pagination link to last page [pitr, #774]
    • Upstart scripts for multiple Sidekiq instances [dariocravero, #763]
    • 🚦 Use select via pipes instead of poll to catch signals [mrnugget, #761]