Treat an array of objects and a singular object uniformly as a collection of objects.
Especially useful in processing REST Web Service API JSON responses in a uniform functional approach.
ToCollection is a Ruby Refinement, so it may be safely enabled via using ToCollection where needed only.
ToCollection alternatives and similar gems
Based on the "Core Extensions" category.
Alternatively, view ToCollection alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
Addressable is an alternative implementation to the URI implementation that is part of Ruby's standard library. It is flexible, offers heuristic parsing, and additionally provides extensive support for IRIs and URI templates. -
fast_blank is a simple C extension which provides a fast implementation of Active Support's String#blank? method. -
Finishing Moves
Small, focused, awesome methods added to core Ruby classes. Home of the endlessly useful nil_chain. -
Array#include_all?, Array#include_any?, Array#include_array?, Array#array_index, Array#array_diff_indices, Array#array_intersection_indices, Array#counts, and Array#duplicates operations missing from basic Ruby Array API
Scout Monitoring - Performance metrics and, now, Logs Management Monitoring with Scout Monitoring
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of ToCollection or a related project?
ToCollection 2.0.0 Ruby Refinement
Treat an array of objects and a singular object uniformly as a collection of objects.
Especially useful in processing REST Web Service API JSON responses in a uniform functional approach.
is a Ruby Refinement, so it may be safely enabled via using ToCollection
where needed only.
Canonicalize data to treat uniformly whether it comes in as a single object or an array of objects, dropping nils
out automatically.
API: object#to_collection(compact=true)
where compact
is a boolean for whether to compact collection or not. It is true by default.
city_counts = {}
people_http_request.to_collection.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
Wanna keep nil
values? No problem! Just pass false
as an argument:
bad_people_count = 0
city_counts = {}
people_http_request.to_collection(false).each do |person|
if person.nil?
bad_people_count += 1
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
- Add
gem 'to_collection', '~> 2.0.0'
to Gemfile - Run
- Require
ruby gem in code (e.g. viaBundler.require(:default)
orrequire 'bundler/setup'
&require 'to_collection'
) - Add
using ToCollection
to the top of the Ruby file you would like to refineObject
in with#to_collection
Manual Gem Install
- Run
gem install to_collection -v2.0.0
- Add
require 'to_collection'
to code - Add
using ToCollection
to the top of the Ruby file you would like to refineObject
in with#to_collection
If '#to_collection' was already defined on Object
in a project, requiring the to_collection
library will print a warning.
It is still safe to require as it does not overwrite Object#to_collection
except in Ruby files where using ToCollection
is added.
I'm sure you've encountered REST Web Service APIs that operate as follows:
HTTP Request: =>
GET /people
<= 1 person JSON Response:
HTTP Request: =>
GET /people
<= 3 people JSON Response:
[{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Barber","city":"Chicago"}, {"first_name":"Mark","last_name":"Jones","city":"New York"}, {"first_name":"Josh","last_name":"Beeswax","city":"Denver"}]
How do you work with the varied JSON responses in Ruby?
One approach for an app that needs to count people in cities:
city_counts = {}
json_response = people_http_request
if json_response.is_a?(Hash)
city_counts[json_response["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[json_response["city"] += 1
elsif json_response.is_a?(Array)
json_response.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
Not only is the code above repetitive (unDRY) and complicated, but it also breaks common Ruby and object oriented development standards by relying on explicit type checking instead of duck-typing, polymorphism, or design patterns.
A slightly better version relying on duck-typing would be:
city_counts = {}
json_response = people_http_request
if json_response.respond_to?(:each_pair)
city_counts[json_response["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[json_response["city"] += 1
elsif json_response.respond_to?(:each_index)
json_response.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
A slightly clearer version relying on design patterns (Strategy) and parametric polymorphism (functional) would be:
city_counts = {}
city_counting_strategies = {
Hash: -> { |json_response|
city_counts[json_response["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[json_response["city"] += 1
Array: -> { |json_response|
json_response.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
json_response = people_http_request
A more radical version relying on object-oriented polymorphism and Ruby open-classes would be:
Hash.class_eval do
def process_json_response(&processor)
Array.class_eval do
def process_json_response(&processor)
city_counts = {}
json_response = people_http_request
json_response.process_json_response do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
This version is quite elegant, clear, and Ruby idiomatic, but aren't we using a Nuclear device against a fly that sometimes comes as a swarm of flies? I'm sure we can have a much simpler solution, especially in a language like Ruby.
Well, how about this functional solution?
city_counts = {}
[people_http_request].flatten.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
Yes, hybrid functional/object-oriented programming to the rescue.
One may wonder what to do if the response comes in as nil or includes nil values in an array. Well, this approach can scale to handle that too should ignoring nil be the requirement.
city_counts = {}
[people_http_request].flatten.compact.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
Can we generalize this elegant solution beyond counting cities? After all, the key problem with the code on top is it gets quite expensive to maintain in a real-world production app containing many integrations with REST Web Service APIs.
This functional generalization should work by allowing you to switch json_response variable and process_json_response proc anyway you want:
How about go one step further and bake this into all objects using our previous approach of object-oriented polymorphism and Ruby open-classes? That way, we don't just collapse the difference between dealing with arrays of hashes vs hashes but also arrays of objects vs singular objects by adding. Note the use of flatten(1) below to prevent arrays or arrays from collapsing more than one level.
class Object
def to_collection
Example usage (notice how more readable this is than the explicit version above by hiding flatten and compact):
city_counts = {}
people_http_request.to_collection.each do |person|
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
A refactored version including optional compacting would be:
class Object
def to_collection(compact=true)
collection = [self].flatten(1)
compact ? collection.compact : collection
Example usage of to_collection(compact)
to count bad person hashes coming as nil:
bad_people_count = 0
city_counts = {}
people_http_request.to_collection(false).each do |person|
if person.nil?
bad_people_count += 1
city_counts[person["city"]] ||= 0
city_counts[person["city"]] += 1
Of course, in Ruby 2+, you may use Ruby Refinements, so simply include Object#to_collection
via this line instead:
using ToCollection
You asked for "Elegant" didn't you? I hope that was what you were looking for.
How It Works
A Ruby Refinement is activated via using ToCollection
adding/overwriting the #to_collection
method in Object
, which
is the ancestor of all Ruby objects.
Release Notes
- Revamped API using Ruby Refinements (safer than monkey-patching)
- Removed
gem dependency - Dropped safety options since Ruby Refinements already handle things safely
- Updated
gem version to relax indirectmethod_source
gem version dependency
- Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet.
- Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it.
- Fork the project.
- Start a feature/bugfix branch.
gem install bundler
- Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution.
- Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. Also, do not upgrade
. It is intentionally at an old version that is compatible with running tests in Travis with older verison of Ruby as well as supporting Coveralls, Simplecov, and Code Climate. - Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Andy Maleh. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ToCollection README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.