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Changelog History
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  • v2.1.0 Changes

    November 21, 2020

    ⚡️ Collecting only unique ip-addresses for target mail servers. This update reduces email validation time for case when remote server have closed connection via avoiding connection attempt to server with the same ip address.

    🔄 Changed

    • Updated Truemail::Validate::Mx#fetch_target_hosts
  • v2.0.2 Changes

    November 14, 2020

    🛠 Fixed

    📚 Timeouts time units in Setting global configuration of Truemail documentation's section. Thanks to @wikiti for report.

    🔄 Changed

    • Refactored Truemail::RegexConstant::REGEX_EMAIL_PATTERN
    • ⚡️ Updated gem development dependencies
    • 📚 Updated gem documentation
  • v2.0.1 Changes

    October 20, 2020

    ⚡️ 1. Updated gem development dependencies 📚 2. Updated gem documentation, changelog ⚡️ 3. Updated gem version to 2.0.1

  • v2.0.0 Changes

    October 20, 2020

    🛠 FIxed SMTP connection errors: invalid HELO hostname (localhost), duplicate HELO (verifier domain).

    ⚡️ 1. Updated Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Request#run ⚡️ 2. Updated Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Request#session_data ⚡️ 3. Updated behaviour of collecting Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Response instance 📚 4. Updated gem documentation, changelog ⚡️ 5. Updated gem version to 2.0.0

    Now helo is a Boolean instead of Net::SMTP::Response instance. It was changed because helo is sending during SMTP-session initializing (, and helo is always true if session up is okay. Also hello response won't logged as error if it happens. Example of Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Response instance from 2.x version.

    #\<struct Truemail::Validate::Smtp::Response:0x00007fa74704cd10port\_opened=true,connection=true,helo=true, # Returns Boolean instead of Net::SMTP::Response instancemailfrom=false,rcptto=nil,errors={:mailfrom=\>"server response timeout"}\>
  • v1.9.2 Changes

    October 02, 2020

    ➕ Added error handling for invalid types as input email.

    1. Added Truemail::TypeError ⚡️ 2. Updated Truemail.validate ⚡️ 3. Updated Truemail.valid? ⚡️ 4. Updated gem changelog ⚡️ 5. Updated gem version to 1.9.2
  • v1.9.1 Changes

    September 21, 2020

    ⚡️ Migrated to updated Ruby 2.7.x syntax.

    ⚡️ 1. Updated Truemail::Configuration#logger= ⚡️ 2. Updated gem dependencies ⚡️ 3. Updated linters configs ⚡️ 4. Updated gem changelog ⚡️ 5. Updated gem version to 1.9.1

  • v1.9.0 Changes

    September 01, 2020

    Ability to use Truemail::Auditor instance represented as json directly:\\_json=\># Serialized Truemail::Auditor instance{"date": "2020-08-31 22:33:43 +0300","current\_host\_ip": "","warnings": {"dns": "A-record of verifier domain not refers to current host ip address", "ptr": "PTR-record does not reference to current verifier domain"},"configuration": {"validation\_type\_by\_domain": null,"whitelist\_validation": false,"whitelisted\_domains": null,"blacklisted\_domains": null,"not\_rfc\_mx\_lookup\_flow": false,"smtp\_safe\_check": false,"email\_pattern": "default gem value","smtp\_error\_body\_pattern": "default gem value"}}

    ⚡️ 1. Updated Truemail::Auditor, Truemail::Validator 🔨 2. Refactored Truemail::Log::Serializer namespaces 🌲 3. Implemented Truemail::Log::Serializer::AuditorJson ⚡️ 4. Optimized regex ⚡️ 5. Updated gem dependencies ⚡️ 6. Updated linters configs ⚡️ 7. Updated gem changelog ⚡️ 8. Updated gem version to 1.9.0

  • v1.8.0 Changes

    June 21, 2020

    ➕ Added

    Separated audit features for verifier host.

    • Truemail::Audit::Ip
    • Truemail::Audit::Dns
    => #<Truemail::Auditor:0x00005580df358828
      #<struct Truemail::Auditor::Result
          :dns=>"a record of verifier domain not refers to current host ip address",
          :ptr=>"ptr record does not reference to current verifier domain"
          @verifier_email="[email protected]",

    🔄 Changed

    • Truemail::Auditor
    • Truemail::Auditor::Result
    • Truemail::Audit::Base
    • Truemail::Audit::Ptr
    • Truemail::VERSION
    • 📚 gem documentation
  • v1.7.1 Changes

    May 10, 2020

    Added ability to show not_rfc_mx_lookup_flow attribute in serialized validation result:

    Truemail.validate('nonexistent\[email protected]').as\_json=\># Serialized Truemail::Validator instance{"date": "2020-05-10 10:00:00 +0200","email": "nonexistent\[email protected]","validation\_type": "smtp","success": false,"errors": {"smtp": "smtp error"},"smtp\_debug": [{"mail\_host": "","port\_opened": true,"connection": true,"errors": {"rcptto": "550 5.7.1 No such user!\n"}}],"configuration": {"validation\_type\_by\_domain": null,"whitelist\_validation": false,"whitelisted\_domains": null,"blacklisted\_domains": null,"not\_rfc\_mx\_lookup\_flow": false,"smtp\_safe\_check": false,"email\_pattern": "default gem value","smtp\_error\_body\_pattern": "default gem value"}}

    ⚡️ 1. Updated Truemail::Log::Serializer::Base 📚 2. Updated gem documentation ⚡️ 3. Updated gem version to 1.7.1

  • v1.7.0 Changes

    May 09, 2020

    ➕ Added ability to use not RFC MX lookup flow (MX and Null MX records will be checked on the DNS validation layer only).

    Truemail.configure do |config| # Optional parameter. This option will provide to use not RFC MX lookup flow.# It means that MX and Null MX records will be cheked on the DNS validation layer only.# By default this option is disabled.config.not\_rfc\_mx\_lookup\_flow = trueend

    ⚡️ 1. Updated Truemail::Configuration ⚡️ 2. Updated Truemail::Validate::Mx ⚡️ 3. Updated gem development dependencies 📚 4. Updated gem documentation ⚡️ 5. Updated gem version to 1.7.0